It removes unwanted apps, trackers, duplicate files, junk files, cookies, and other redundant items taking up space on the system. Mshta VBScript:Execute( "Set a=CreateObject( " "WScript.Shell " "):Set b=a.CreateShortcut(a.SpecialFolders( " "Desktop " ") & " "\CCleaner.lnk " "):b.TargetPath= " " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe " ":b.WorkingDirectory= " " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner " ":b.Chantelle van Heerden Updated a month ago A free, easy-to-use file cleanerĬCleaner is a useful, simple, and free-to-use application that keeps your Microsoft Windows computer in good shape. If exist ccleaner.ini copy /y ccleaner.ini " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner " If not exist " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini " echo off > " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini " &echo on %sza% x -y ccsetup.zip -o " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner " Tasklist |Find /i "CCleaner64.exe " > nul &(taskkill /im CCleaner64.exe /f) Tasklist |Find /i "CCleaner.exe " > nul &(taskkill /im CCleaner.exe /f) If not exist ccsetup.zip echo 未找到ccsetup.zip,请下载。 &echo. If exist " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini " copy /y " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini " %aria2c% -c -s16 -x16 -k1m -remote-time=true -enable-mmap -file-allocation=falloc -disk-cache=64M -o ccsetup.zip " " If not exist 2 if exist ccsetup.zip del ccsetup.zip

If /I " %ST% " = "4 " goto Download-Setup If exist "Tools\aria2\aria2c.exe " Set aria2c = "Tools\aria2\aria2c.exe " &goto Main If exist Tools\aria2.7z %sza% x -y Tools\aria2.7z &del /q Tools\aria2.7z If exist Tools\aria2.7z if exist Tools\aria2 rd /s /q Tools\aria2 & %sza% x -y Tools\aria2.7z If exist "Tools\7za_x86.exe " Set sza = "Tools\7za_x86.exe " Ver |Find /I "6.2 " > nul 2 > nul 2 > nul Ver |Find /I "6.1 " > nul 2 > nul 2 > nul Ver |Find /I "6.0 " > nul 2 > nul 2 > nul Ver |Find /I "5.2 " > nul 2 > nul 2 > nul If " %ERRORLEVEL% " = "0 " (Goto Files check) Ver |Find /I "5.1 " > nul 2 > nul 2 > nul If exist " %temp%\getadmin.vbs " ( del " %temp%\getadmin.vbs " ) REM - > If error flag set, we do not have admin.Įcho Requesting administrative privileges.Įcho Set UAC = CreateObject ^( "Shell.Application " ^) > " %temp%\getadmin.vbs "Įcho UAC.ShellExecute " %~s0 ", " ", " ", "runas ", 1 > " %temp%\getadmin.vbs " nul 2 >&1 " %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe " " %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system "