Ccleaner portable download
Ccleaner portable download

ccleaner portable download

It removes unwanted apps, trackers, duplicate files, junk files, cookies, and other redundant items taking up space on the system. Mshta VBScript:Execute( "Set a=CreateObject( " "WScript.Shell " "):Set b=a.CreateShortcut(a.SpecialFolders( " "Desktop " ") & " "\CCleaner.lnk " "):b.TargetPath= " " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe " ":b.WorkingDirectory= " " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner " ":b.Chantelle van Heerden Updated a month ago A free, easy-to-use file cleanerĬCleaner is a useful, simple, and free-to-use application that keeps your Microsoft Windows computer in good shape. If exist ccleaner.ini copy /y ccleaner.ini " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner " If not exist " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini " echo off > " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini " &echo on %sza% x -y -o " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner " Tasklist |Find /i "CCleaner64.exe " > nul &(taskkill /im CCleaner64.exe /f) Tasklist |Find /i "CCleaner.exe " > nul &(taskkill /im CCleaner.exe /f) If not exist echo 未找到,请下载。 &echo. If exist " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini " copy /y " %PROGRAMFILES%\CCleaner\ccleaner.ini " %aria2c% -c -s16 -x16 -k1m -remote-time=true -enable-mmap -file-allocation=falloc -disk-cache=64M -o " " If not exist 2 if exist del

ccleaner portable download

If /I " %ST% " = "4 " goto Download-Setup If exist "Tools\aria2\aria2c.exe " Set aria2c = "Tools\aria2\aria2c.exe " &goto Main If exist Tools\aria2.7z %sza% x -y Tools\aria2.7z &del /q Tools\aria2.7z If exist Tools\aria2.7z if exist Tools\aria2 rd /s /q Tools\aria2 & %sza% x -y Tools\aria2.7z If exist "Tools\7za_x86.exe " Set sza = "Tools\7za_x86.exe " Ver |Find /I "6.2 " > nul 2 > nul 2 > nul Ver |Find /I "6.1 " > nul 2 > nul 2 > nul Ver |Find /I "6.0 " > nul 2 > nul 2 > nul Ver |Find /I "5.2 " > nul 2 > nul 2 > nul If " %ERRORLEVEL% " = "0 " (Goto Files check) Ver |Find /I "5.1 " > nul 2 > nul 2 > nul If exist " %temp%\getadmin.vbs " ( del " %temp%\getadmin.vbs " ) REM - > If error flag set, we do not have admin.Įcho Requesting administrative privileges.Įcho Set UAC = CreateObject ^( "Shell.Application " ^) > " %temp%\getadmin.vbs "Įcho UAC.ShellExecute " %~s0 ", " ", " ", "runas ", 1 > " %temp%\getadmin.vbs " nul 2 >&1 " %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe " " %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system "

Ccleaner portable download